The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Slovakia

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is an educational programme under the auspices of the British Royal Family. In its nearly 60 years of existence, the DofE has inspired and changed the lives of more than eight million young people worldwide. The DofE can play a key role in student development outside the classroom by creating opportunities for young people to develop their skills, lead healthy lifestyles, and help others. DofE's International Award counts on the fact that every young person has the potential to succeed no matter their background. Young people who take part in the programme become more confident and goal-oriented and develop skills in areas such as communication, problem-solving and leadership.

Website of the DofE National Office in Slovakia: DofE

Official website of the International Foundation Programme: programme

DofE programme at Grammar school of Viliam Pauliny-Tóth in Martin: from 28 September 2017

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Najbližšie akcie v škole

  • 23. 12. 2024-07. 1. 2025- vianočné prázdniny
  • 08. 1. 2025- začiatok vyučovania po vianočných prázdninách
  • 12. 1. 2025- lyžiarsky výcvik na Kubínskej holi - I. C, I. D (12. - 17. jan.)
  • 19. 1. 2025- lyžiarsky výcvik na Kubínskej holi - I. A (19. - 24. jan.)
  • 26. 1. 2025- lyžiarsky výcvik na Kubínskej holi - I. B (26. - 31. jan.)
  • 27. 1. 2025- uzatvorenie 1. polroka
  • 28. 1. 2025- program Profesijná orientácia (CPP pre II. C)
  • 29. 1. 2025- program Profesijná orientácia (CPP pre II. D); polročná klasifikačná pedagogická rada
  • 30. 1. 2025- program Profesijná orientácia (CPP pre III. E)
  • 31. 1. 2025- odovzdávanie výpisov klasifikácie 1. polroka
  • 02. 2. 2025- lyžiarsky výcvik na Kubínskej holi - I. E (2. - 7. feb.)

Basic Information and Contact

Grammar school of Viliam Pauliny-Tóth in Martin
Malá hora 3, 036 01 Martin

Phone number:
+421 43 4133191

Number of students:

Number of teachers:


EDUID of school:

Žilinský samosprávny kraj


Head teacher:
Mgr. Darina Súderová


Head teacher:
+421 43 4213002

+421 43 4213001

School representatives:
+421 43 4213003

Gymnasium - small:
+421 43 4213007

+421 43 4213009

History and Social Sciences:
+421 43 4213010

+421 43 4213011

Slovak language - school:
+421 43 4213012

+421 43 4213014

Foreign languages:
+421 43 4213015

+421 43 4213016

+421 43 4213017

+421 43 4213018

Gymnasium - large:
+421 43 4213019

Slovak language - extension: 
+421 43 4213023

Educational advisor: 
+421 43 4213024

+421 43 4213025

Astronomical Observatory of M. R. Štefánik and Centre for the Popularization of Physics:
+421 43 4213026

+421 43 4213028

Computer Science:
+421 43 4213030

Head of school canteen:
+421 43 4213032

+421 43 4213005

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